Young Adult Lunch
First Sunday of Each Month
College students and other young adults, come have lunch on us and fellowship with other young adults. Meet at the Welcome Desk after the 10:30 AM Service on the first Sunday of each month.
Taste of Kirkmont
Last Sunday of Each Month
New to Kirkmont? The last Sunday of every month, join us for a casual time of free food and conversation with our pastors. We'll meet at the Welcome Center after the 10:30 AM worship service.
Hope Rising Donation Drive
January 19 - February 19
In recognition of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 19th, Kirkmont is hosting a donation drive for Hope Rising pregnancy center (formerly Miami Valley Women's Center) during the next 30 days. Items needed: Baby shampoo, lotion, body wash, Children’s clothes (new or gently used), Diapers, wipes, pull-ups, Crib sheets (new or gently used), Diaper bags (new or gently used), Sleep sacks, bibs, burp cloths. There is a pack-n-play in the Resource Center to collect donations.
Men's Ministry Breakfast
Saturday, February 15th
Fellowship and food start at 9:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. You can sign up using the link below. Hope to see you there!
Discover Kirkmont
February 16 & 23, March 2 & 9
Sunday evenings, 5:00—7:00 PM, in Fellowship Hall. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about Kirkmont or in formally joining the church. Dinner provided. Childcare available (for infants—5th grade.) Sign up using the QR Code or link below.
Women's Ministry Book Club
Saturday, March 22
Join us March 22 when we will discuss, The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd. This book is the story of a Colonial 16 year old who defies all expectations to achieve her dream. It has ambition, betrayal, and sacrifice. It’s an amazing historical account of a real family playing a major role in South Carolina history. Discussion and fellowship start at 9:00 AM in Kirkmont's cry room.
We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, September through May from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Childcare available upon request. Join us for Mom Community, fellowship, engaging speakers, relevant discussions, mentorship, friendsgiving potluck, coffee, friendships, moms nights out, play dates, and more. Contact Erin Cullin for more information at [email protected]